THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS was authorized to improve the levy system protecting New Orleans, AKA, NOLA.
In about 1995 Congress passed a law and funded the infrastructure inhancements to the NOLA levy system. This was in preparation for a situation like Katrina.
The Army Corps of Engineers has made NOLA and thousands of sites inhabitable. Some places which are below the waterline now would have to have been unnavigable or unlivable marsh plane, abandoned by commerce. It would have succumed to the natural restorative process we have circumvented in modern civilization. We engineer our exception to natural law in order to be comfortable and overpopulate the planet.
Because we cannot understand Darwinian selection we have Malthusian population control: mostly commerce and war, or religion and politics.
It would be wonderful if we would make the green selections, not the brown.
That is, to have sustainable and renewing infrastructure policies, not disposable single use waste industries which both produces and requires for its operation, disposeable populations.
But the ACE has built levies and seawalls in a political environment where the money is eeked out of Foggy Bottom through patronage and pork-barrel politics. Right here we must insert the back door war and back door draft, with back door funding of Bush in Iraq.
In 2003, I believe it was, the $251,000,000.00, American money, was cut from scheduled ACE levy improvements to fund blowing up Baghdad.
ACE is a good example of Libertarianism. It benefits primarily the flow of commerce and national security without much social intent, although there are obvious social benefits.
But a couple of years ago the Bush war administration attacked a former ally, Iraq. We had enabled Sadam to attack Iran in exchange for his own Internal Political Control, or a powerful army. When he used the army for its "lawful", I would say "awful", purpose; to commit internal terror and genocide, it was OK with Reagan and Papa Bush.
When this Baby Stalin took the wrong que and extended toward Oil in Kuwait, forgive spelling, we found another unintended consequence of patronage of convenience: rattlesnakes are not house pets.
Mr Sadam then fell victim to his own pet rattler; US policy whim.
Next, we decide we will get rid of him, yet keep his oil. Instead of removing the fangs, we declaw the tomcat. Instead of regime change, we punnish the helpless popualation by isolating commerce, except for--all together now--oil.
While the Iraqis starved and died we still enriched and enabled the dictator. Companies simply bought oil through Enron-styled facade middle actors. Even Bill Clinton, because all presidents are slaves to plutarchy, played the role which involved witholding aid and attacking Iraq almost daily. The right in America require that stance of politicians, and Clinton used hawkishness to his political advantage, end-running their criticism. He was effective, and a textbook politician.
Comes Baby Bush, who had no direction, well, except for corporate socialism in principle, until the Twin Towers thrust Him and Guliani(SP) into the role of Savior from Outside Terrorists. The local terrorists, like the Klan and clinic-bombers still function under right-wing inducement.
The TT had been indicated by the Twin Buddah affair in Feburary. The Osama Bin Ladin test of Bush will, within a month of Innauguration, was to destroy an icon: Twin Buddah cultural icons representing Twin Tower cultural icons.
When the ancient Twin Buddahs were blown up, Bush said nothing, did nothing.
Ossama, our own ally in Afghanistan, was delighted. Bush did not understand historic icon's significance to cultures other than his own. His lack of caring indicated cultural ignorance, even bigotry, if that is not redundant.
Extrapolated, it meant that Bush was unable to feel pain in other people's lives. Palistinian suffering, no pain felt in America. Iraqi and Iranian people's lives under sanctions, not painful to Bush or America. It doesn't take much for one sociopath to recognize and project his own faults to another. Therefore a racist attacked what he concluded was the icon of racism in another. Twin Buddah, Twin Towers.
Do not think that I approve of any of this. I believe both sides are out of control and selfish. I watch this nightmare knowing there is a thousand dreams blinked away.
"Bye, bye, American Pie, I drove the Chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry...."
The levy was not dry: its funding was sent to the desert. The desert was dry.
-30- bobby