The Superdome has to be repeatedly evacuated because it keeps refilling. Thousands not evacuated by the Guvment are dying all over the city as the week drags on without an adequate first responder system.
The national news at first indicated that those who stayed in NOLA had chosen to stay. Then it became apparent that many NOLA residents lived in a community where a high number do not own cars, and had no way to voluntarily leave. Indeed, the stable community of working poor would not leave because they had no money.
Looting is going on, of course, but most must be for water and food. Where do I plug my TV in? The National Guard is sent to stop looting, to protect property, guard the water.
Near half of the La Guard is in Iraq. Or Afghanistan.
There are thousands of military helicopters, boats, barges, transports and busses not made available.
It is now Friday.
George Bush missed the last two days of vacation to deal with what he saw at ten thousand feet en route. Camp Casey was getting crowded, anyway.
Although we are focusing on NOLA, where Mississippi and Alabama are even worse in many ways, it is the tragedy of lost New Orleans that had made it through the storm until the unfinished dykes burst.
George Bush stopped funding and spent the $250+million levy improvement fund on bombing and torturing Iraqis.
If he escapes IMPEACHMENT AND OUSTER, maybe he will do the honorable thing and RESIGN FROM OFFICE, along with his staff and cabinet.
I predict that some of the administration will resign as soon as they complete the job now at hand. Many know how the President Select contributed to the tragedy, and will serve the public need until it is honorable to resign.
Don't expect the Commander-in-Chief to do the honorable thing.
-30- bobby
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