ELEPHANT SAFARI: hunting with a mouse
Random ideas not used up by the famous people might still help the morale of regular people. Round Earth Progressive Politics will irritate the Flat Earth Red Elephant Stuff, if possible. Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest?
My reason for this comment is to be able to login. Somehow my login won't.
See how we restyle the language?
I can use the noun as a verb to pun on an invented word.
If anyone is out there, we are part of evolution. But the rate of change may not quick enough to save ourselves.
Is it worth it? Yes.
It looks like Mr L is a very good politician.
His appearance on Sunday face-time TV was not apologetic or defensive.
He says he is a 100% Democrat and just wants to serve. I am only worried about the cozy words from Karl Rove and Herr Cheney.
Maybe if it had been Leiberman-Gore in 2K, Halliburton wouldn't be paying for two CEO's today.
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