Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hunting mice with F-16's


These corrupt politicians currently ruining our American traditions is a set of see-no-evil rubber stamps for bullies.

Israel has clearly become an aggressor beyond pale comparison to the homeland defender it and the obviate office call it. We do nothing but hand over the weapons they demand.

Israel is behaving like the Germans of 1939 Europe, standing at the borders around it. It is the only country in the world without identifiable borders. Palestine is an occupied state with an Israeli army attacking civilians and civil servants and infrastructure. Farms, homes, roads, schools, cities, orchards, wells, hospitals, buildings, private property occupied for generations, dirt, sand, animals and people have been destroyed or taken in and from Palestine without a word from our callous state department, our condilily rice shame pot.

Lebanon has been occupied and transgressed for decades by Israel. Our money is paying for it. The military in Israel is operating as a direct client of the largest arms manufacturers in the United States: that is to say the world. It is a direct subsidy to both munitions manufacturers and foreign military clients of Congress. Congress is printing dollars borrowed from foreign governments and private foreign investors in our National Debt. China will own us before we pay the interest for Israel's past week's work.

Syria is being set up as a proxy for Iran. An arms intermediary for terrorist warfare. They do deal in those small items. We, us, the US, however, are the greatest merchants of arms in history and we sell more F- fighters, bombs, and AK47 machine guns than anyone else. We allow our arms merchants to sell to people who frankly don't believe in democracy or voter driven society.

We have looked at the demon and it is in our mirrors.

Stop. Look. Make our government behave appropriately in the face of aggression.



Blogger Julie Brown said...

Hey, I know Chocowinity! My folks are from Belhaven.

You are speaking the truth, man. I am so sick of paying for Israel's military, I don't know what to do. It is a waste of money and, worse, a waste of human life. Our president's & the religious right's 'culture of life' is a joke.

July 23, 2006 8:45 PM  

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