NOT THAT he really is a bigot, but he tries to act like he has good sense, too.
Whenever he speaks you get the sense that the Republicans are proud, since they gave him that job at Education, not that he or they like education, you know, but put him on a pedestal and listen to him on the radio and all and respect his wisdom.
I like when he talks, too. It makes me glad I'm not confused, because he proves the case that some folks are messed up because they don't get it.
Even though his comments were taken out of context, his words reveal a lack of appreciation of a raft of issues that his set of fellow travelers don't get. They don't get that most crime might be white collar, or that abortion is not a social policy, but a personal right. When the nation determines individual medical choice by force, that is dictatorship. That force is equal, whether applied to mandate or prohibit abortion.
The only freedom Bennet really believes in is the government's right to enforce his right to make money, no matter who's poor because of it.
Other than that, he does not understand freedom. And that makes him both a sad and ignorant specimen. He tries to make religion into law; IT DON'T WORK.
Just ask Ussama.
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