Monday, October 10, 2005


Dear Mr Bush, if you don't mind, why did you never go outside the US until you were president? I think that it was in your first term that you used your passport to go to another country, maybe except for Mexico. You may correct me, if I err.

I happened to have lived in Central America, beginning in 1955, until after I returned from Viet Nam.

Oh, I forgot. You didn't go there, either. Or even fulfill TANG duties or reserves.

Nor have you or a lot of Americans ever lived overseas long enough to have developed a feel for a different outlook, perhaps a non-Columbo-centric view of the world. Some people might harbor the view that US policy doesn't benefit or trump their own country's needs and interests. In fact, Columbus may not have "discovered" what was always here and occupied by millions of residents. Columbus Day?

Also does the war on terrorism have another significance over the borders.

It happens that blowing up another country might be viewed over there just as we would view attacks on ours. The cross-term defines the biggest destroyer as the biggest terrorist. That makes you the biggest terrorist.

See how travel might improve one? But first, you have to have an interest in something outside your own narrow flatland selfishness.

A terrorist just doesn't have a wide world view. He only sees straight behind.

As if his head was stuck up somewhere very narrow and constricted.



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