PACIFICA RADIO is the reason Houston is a tolerable habitat in this end of Texas.
It used to be a great privilege and novelty to be a Texan. Now, even in rural places, it is a homogeneous flux of old burnouts and carpetbag implants.
This last gentry believes it is a majority, and minimizes everyone else, including the majority of Texicans who are the minorities.
Rich people, being the peasants with money they are, think no one else has the sense to manage their own affairs. They make modest or large fortunes without consideration for the public or commons, then, having property to loose, become paranoid and tilt at perceived windmills. They get bunker fever and use their resources to lash out at things that have changed since their last notice of reality. They donate money to demigod politicians to protect their position against the unwashed.
Largely, the unwashed is what locomotes the wealth the nobles enjoy.
In this mess is Pacifica Radio. It is a place of internal mix-up and change. Chaos, however is a producer of evolution, and tends to oppose stagnation, if it doesn't kill the vehicle institution.
It tends to have a wild mix of good and bad programming, far out and standard music, live and recorded, old and new. Talk and opinion shows that even let me call in with my amateurish radio communication skills. News you-don't-get-anywhere is daily, because there are no commercials, no ad dollars to censor content.
Haiti, Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Bolivia, China, Africa. Have you seen nightly news on the military overthrow of Aristid? Nope, but on KPFT you get it at least weekly. "Democracy Now", the "Five-thirty Local News", "Flashpoints".
No commercials. Listener contributions. If you listen, join in by contributing. Even www.kpft.org, or kpftradio.org on the internet.
It is the only U. S. radio transmitter that, to my knowledge, has been blown up by terrorists, and twice. Hardly made the FBI miss a coffee break.
Ask w if he would investigate that act of terrorism.
It is a good thing, as Martha would say.