Sunday, August 28, 2005


The purpose of the National Guard is to answer to State and local emergency and catastrophic situations, mostly flood and weather problems. Sometimes they are called upon to subdue democratic and civil rights, rarely to enforce civil rights, but always to abet internal political control. They can only be in one place at a time, and this Katrina is on our coast today, now.

The compulsory draft is not an option today for manning a war on the third world, therefore, our Prexi-by Proxy has called the National Guard to international war.

If he had opted for normal war, with a draft, we would be at peace because no Congress person could face reelection voting for a draft, much less a unisex draft. So his handlers took the end run of calling up the National Guard to gain internal political control of his otherwise dead-in-the-water term.

Red herring and straw man methods.

Katrina is about to wipe across southern states where the Guard will not be in strength for response. The spoiled brat in office, combined with the power of office, will just pool NG resources from other far-flung states to help with the desaster.

These members of the Guard who just wanted to serve and get educated and get the benefits to help support a family will be further disjointed in the struggle to make a life and career. Because the real purpose of the military is internal political control, the Guards are pawns of political operators.

Katrina is the perfect storm, combined with the cost in money and lives of our despotic military behavior, to expose the falacy of George-war. Yet, it could enhance his "leadership qualities" if he is able to exploit it in the mode of the Twin Towers demagogery.

Bobby's Axium 1: Purpose of military is internal political control.

-30- bobby


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