Elephant Safari
Aztec, Inca, Maya art and civilization followed along the same lines of soft art, loose; if stone carved and gold cast can be loose.
As they progressed and as organization became more central, the art got more iconic and angular. Their production in agriculture got critical, yet a disregard for ecology and good crop management reduced harvests.
Political leaders being who they are, they demanded more from the resources without understanding the technology or science that could have sustained the population and economy. Being that religion and military force are the infrastructure of human coercion, they practiced politics a lot lide the lot we see today: corruptly. Ignorantly.
Drinking the Kool Aide only works a short time, then people quit the habit, sip water, and stop working for the idle.
Notice how art is both controller and liberator: static icons like logos and state flags must be infused with emotional meaning through indoctrination; yet life art has intrinsic image and emotion recognized without authoritarian permission.
Authority needs to control art so that its perverted icons replace the meanings of life itself. The point being that normal human needs get redirected in shortsighted, non-sustainable directions.
Instead of using science to enhance sustainability, and art to enhance quality of sustainable infrastructure, the headmen and shamen autocrats will pervert art to devolve the lessons of life and science in order to cement oligarchy and empire.
Science and art are at a balance when we have peace and education, where good business and public practices contribute to a balance of quality as well as quantity of life.
Art and Science are questions of proportion. Technology and public institutions are practical mirrors of misery or happiness, so lets use our arts and sciences to avoid the misery of out-of-balance empire.
Don't drink the Kool Aide. Learn both art and science, then elect representatives who are more balanced.
Anyone who diverts resources of common good to the exploitation of emotion and iconic action is a warlord.
Politicians and Preachers need us to remind them of what is important, and it ain't killing other people to get their stuff.
The Aztecs and Mayas also controled their populations through fear of outside threats. They built a lot of angular icons, too.