Sunday, September 10, 2006

ELEPHANT SAFARI: where's Waldo oil?

elephant gas

What a surprize: new oil found in the Gulf-not Persian, this time-and gas prices were lowering even before that.

New oil will not flow for years, but the election is in six weeks.

Most of the reason for the recent price drop is that people can't afford to drive.

I guess these prices will go back up after the election.

Who knew?

Impeach the elephant ones who aren't voted out in November, then remember the rest for next time.


Sunday, September 03, 2006



Never mind. If you believe it you are not thinking.

Belief is how leaders have duped followers since forever.

It is not empirical evidence we are expected to see. That is a state secret. What we are shown is empire evidence, without proof or fact, and we exploit and sacrifice our own progeny to follow the hollow wallow.

The ability to lie without consequence to the leaders is how we are led forever backward.

Voting is the only way to make an impression, but voting for the regressive candidate means continuation of divine rule.

Even though progressive opponents transmogrify after election day, it is a positive action.

Human rights should never be subject to politics or to politician's exceptions to the rights of Humans.

Magna Carte Blanc, anyone?
