Friday, April 28, 2006

Elephant Safari


The answer is, they don't care, 'cause they don't read.

So I'll tell you what I did last week.--Saturday, I lost my cellfone, discovered the loss Sunday and wasted Monday recovering and transfering to a new one, only to discover that someone found it, but I can't pick it up until tomorrow, not to expand on a run-on sentence.

Tuesday. Drove to Texas City, Texas to model in a life drawing class at 0930. It was great. I left and drove to Galveston and went swimming for 20 minutes, then drove to Pearland (Texas) to model in another Life Drawing Class till 1730, then continued on to the other campus in Pasadena (Guess Where) to work another LD class 'til 2130.

Jumped into my Aerostar (1986, 190,000mi) and went to Helios in Houston(!), where I modeled again until 0200.

I went and modeled in four cities for 14 hours, swam in another, and traveled 160 miles on Tuesday.

See? Then on Wednesday it was six hours at UH for the last Life Drawing class there with Luis Jimenez. He critiqued the students while I kept them busy producing the last great art they could squeeze out--and they did, too. They showed him scads of drawings with the charcoal still wet, and he swore it was their best one yet. Yet.

Well, I did a good job. Then went Drawing at the Artery.

Thursday was at Steve Potter's in Stafford, another Texas town. Two people gave me etchings they made of me. Great, and I'll frame them both.

Later I picked up and delivered washing machine parts to my buddy Lambert, and got him a 20 pack of Miller Lite before driving to Clear Lake and attend the Student Mentor show at TCLAA (Clear Lake{it ain't clear}Arts Alliance. Saw good work from the guys I had worked for: Tod Allison, Mark Greenwalt, and cohorts. Drove over to Houston and unclogged a drain at a friend's rent house(due to the wonderful convenience: cell phone.

Friday, today was take the daughter to school, then had my Aerostar tailpipe modified to one side. Don't ask.

Then ran a new line and re configured a telephone station to a new office area in an auto paint dealers. Then added a ceiling light and wall recepticle, while inhaling fiberglass from the insulation. First class, clean work.

Tomorrow I'll work at Rice in a Continuing Education Life Drawing session. I am honored to be the lead and last and model procurer for the twenty hour session. John Sparagano. Then, to the Chinese Civic Center for two hours and I can finally pick up my cellfone.

It was just to be about Tuesday, so sue me.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Elephant Safari


This resident of 1600 Penn ain't smart enough to do all the harm his administration has done.

Obsessive, compulsive; Ralph Nader called them. Clinically sick, too.

He's right.

Cheeny as Chief of Staff for G. Ford was advocating for Iran to aquire the Nuke.

Rumsfeld and others were there for giving the Shah the B-omb.

These people are here today as hyper-hypocrites.

Their objective is to keep and win the House and Senate by the oldest profession: Prostitution of the situation to get elected.

Start something with Iran so that the voters have to depend on you to get them out.

Refer to Bobby's Axiom nr one: the purpose of the military is INTERNAL POLITICAL CONTROL.

OR: If you prefer a close second; the purpose of religion is to lead the People to the Government.

Take your pick, they both operate in unison.

Pay attention, vote and vote and vote them into private life, then prosecute the crumbs.

Write your Congressman and tell him to get a spine. Or else. .


Elephant Safari


This resident of 1600 Penn ain't smart enough to do all the harm his administration has done.

Obsessive, compulsive; Ralph Nader called them. Clinically sick, too.

He's right.

Cheeny as Chief of Staff for G. Ford was advocating for Iran to aquire the Nuke.

Rumsfeld and others were there for giving the Shah the B-omb.

These people are here today as hyper-hypocrites.

Their objective is to keep and win the House and Senate by the oldest profession: Prostitution of the situation to get elected.

Start something with Iran so that the voters have to depend on you to get them out.

Refer to Bobby's Axiom nr one: the purpose of the military is INTERNAL POLITICAL CONTROL.

OR: If you prefer a close second; the purpose of religion is to lead the People to the Government.

Take your pick, they both operate in unison.

Pay attention, vote and vote and vote them into private life, then prosecute the crumbs.

Write your Congressman and tell him to get a spine. Or else. .
